New Parishioners

Introduce yourself to Fr. Saju after Mass and complete one of the forms which are in a tray on the shelf of the bookcase opposite the weekly Newsletters.

The Cherubs Group for young children meets in the Fisher Hall (opposite the Church) for part of the 9.00am Mass. For further details please speak to one of the organisers before Mass.

Parking is available behind the Fisher Hall. Any one with mobility problems can park to the left or right of the steps leading up to the Church but NOT in front of them or in the Priests’ car park.

Subject to there being space Parishioners can park behind the Fisher Hall for such things as shopping when a copy of the News and Notes should be displayed on the dashboard but not for regular long periods of time. In such cases application for a Permit for which there is a charge should be made to the Parish Office. If you do not have a Permit you must not park in the reserved spaces.

Please contact the parish office for more details: Tel: 01732 353984 or Email:

Collections can be Gift Aided and if you wish paid monthly by Standing Order. If you are interested in either or both of these options please contact Ken Marsh on 01892 527270 or by email at