Parish Finance

Without prejudice to Canon 532 (“In all juridical matters the Parish Priest acts in the person of the Parish in accordance with the law”) Canon Law (Can. 537) requires that each Parish has a Parish Finance Committee. The role of the Committee is advisory, rather than executive. The members of the Committee assist the Parish Priest by sharing the burden of administration and ensuring the efficient care of the material goods of a Parish as a means of promoting the pastoral care of the community. Its regular meetings (three to four times a year at least is recommended) are called by the Parish Priest or with his agreement and he must attend each meeting; the meetings should be properly minuted. Money given to the Parish is for the purposes of the Church’s mission and it is the concern of the Trustees and their agent, the Parish Priest, in consultation with the members of the Parish Finance Committee, to ensure that the money is spent in accordance with the purpose for which it was given.

Thank you for your support. Many of you use internet or telephone banking so our bank details are below but please follow the next step:
Mass Stipends: Quote ST.
Offertories: Quote OFF.
Christmas Offering: Quote CHRS.
Malawi Twin Quote MT;

in all of these cases you do not need to refer to Gift Aid as I know who you all are:

Account: RCAS Tonbridge
Sort Code: 60-21-28;
Account No: 71367780

Parish Finance chair: Ken Marsh 01892527270

Gift-aid: Tony Mahoney - 01732 773531.